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Apply visa to the UK from the Netherlands (for Student)

As non european citizen, living in one of european countries give you an opportunity to travel to other euro countries (EU) within schengen area, not including the UK. Well, should we go to the UK? Aren't there so many gorgeous places within EU that we can explore?.
Well, everyone has a reason. For me, it's mainly because a lot of novels I've read were took places in the UK, makes me really want to see those places by myself. I will start with the memorable one for me : Oliver Twist. I recall I red this novel in my primary school library (the translation version), and have made me wonder about London Bridge. Later, I'm a big fan of Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie novels, not to mention the popular Harry Potter series.

Anyway, lets not talk too much about my story, and go to the point: How to apply a visa to the UK from the Netherlands.

There are several things you need to consider before you apply a visa:
  1. The normal time for processing the visa is about 3 weeks, so you may consider the time between your visa application and your travelling
  2. During the process, the visa officer will hold your passport, so make sure to apply a visa when you are sure that you don't need your passport during the visa process.

So, what step do you need to take to apply the UK visa:
  1. Fill in form of visa application online in  register for an account, log in, and fill in the questions. Here, you may bring your passport with you that will make it easier to fill in the questions. You will also need an address in the UK during your visit. If you don't have so much time to fill in all the question, you can just save it and continue it in the other time. 
  2. At the same time, plan your journey, make an itinerary of it, booked your tickets and a places to stay
  3. Once you finished to fill in the form of visa application, you can apply for an appointment where you can choose the day and time. In the Netherlands, there are two option of places you can visit to apply your UK visa: (A) visa center in Amsterdam; (B) visa center in Dusseldorf.
  4. Fee for passport is around 125 Euros and payable via credit card
  5. Pasphoto, you need this photo to be attached in the application form, while, a photo for the visa itself will be taken after you hand in all your documents to the visa officer. 
There are additional documents that actually not compulsary, but you may bring these documents with you when you come for your appointment (I think this will help the officer to consider your application). These are the documents (below I also attached the list that was used by the visa's officer in listing my documents (Figure 1)):
  • statement that you are a student in the university in the Netherlands, in my case I ask a letter to student service center that I was registered in that university
  • copy of your residence permit in the Netherlands
  • itinerary of your journey in the UK 
  • bank account statement
Figure 1 
Before giving your documents, you will be asked whether you'd like your visa to be delivered to your address or you'll pick it up at the visa office. If you choose the visa to be delivered to your address, you must pay it online (the officer will help you to do this) and payable by credit card. That's why, I suggest you arrive earlier, at least 30 - 15 minutes before your appointment so that you didn't go in a rush.   

If you have prepared everything well, the process in the visa center is very quick, I think it takes about 15 - 20 minutes, and done. 
Now, all you have to do is wait for your visa :)


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